Tactic to apply double negation elimination or excluded middle when goal is False

Somehow the following fact seems not often taught in proof assistant tutorials, in spite of being incredibly useful: when your current goal is False, you can, while remaining in intuitionistic logic, transform a hypothesis ~~P into P, and get a hypothesis P \/ ~P for free.

I have the following tactics to apply this.

  • Did I miss some built-in tactics that do this?
  • If not: in dneg_elim, how can I avoid changing the order of hypotheses in the context?
Ltac dneg_elim :=
  repeat match goal with
    | [ H : ~~?P |- False ] => apply H; clear H; intro H

Example dneg_over_implication A B : ~~(A -> B) -> (~~A -> ~~B).
  intros HAB HA HB. dneg_elim. apply HB, HAB, HA.

Lemma double_neg_lem P : ~~(P \/ ~P).
Proof. tauto. Qed.

Tactic Notation "lem" constr(term) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
  apply (double_neg_lem term); intros pat.

Example dneg_over_implication_converse A B : (~~A -> ~~B) -> ~~(A -> B).
  intros H H'. lem A as [HA | HnA].
  * lem B as [HB | HnB].
    ** apply H'. intros _. exact HB.
    ** apply H, HnB. intro HnA. apply HnA, HA.
  * apply H'. intro HA. exfalso. apply HnA, HA.

To preserve the order of variables, you can use this trick:

Ltac dneg_elim :=
  repeat match goal with
    | [ H : ~~?P |- False ] => apply H; let H' := fresh in intro H' after H; clear H; rename H' into H

You might be right that this is not often taught in tutorials. Providing this tactic as a standard one looks indeed pretty relevant.

PS: That might be interesting also to provide an Ltac2 version of dneg_elim.