Use of contradiction tactic

Hi all, I am working on the following proof (independently of the meaning):

Section Property.

Hypothesis Helper: forall A, A \/ ~A.
Hypothesis Hypn : exists n : nat, True.
Variable P : nat -> Prop.

Theorem test : exists n : nat, (P n -> forall m : nat, P m).
  destruct Hypn as [n T].
  exists n. 
  assert (H : (P n -> forall m : nat, P m) \/ ~(P n -> forall m : nat, P m)).
  { apply Helper. }
  destruct H as [H1 | H2].
  + exact H1.

End Property.

In the second bullet of the destruct Hex, I can clearly see a contradiction between my hypothesis H2 and the goal, unfortunately I don’t know how to proceed to conclude the proof (still a beginner sorry).
Any help please (or explanation on the way to solve it).

Contradiction between hypothesis and goal just means the goal is false, with the extreme example Lemma foo (H:True) : False.

To make progress using contradiction it must be between hypotheses with the goal being irrelevant (since contradiction proves anything).

Okay I understand, this means that this case here cannot be proven right? (just confirming to rework my theorem) -I did not write all hypothesis-

H2 : (P n -> forall m : nat, P m) -> False 
P n -> forall m : nat, P m



word filler word filler

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For future people who might find it helpful, here is how I solved it, it was not the theorem, just a trick in the proof to get the contradiction.

Theorem test : exists n : nat, (P n -> forall m : nat, P m).
  destruct Hypn as [n T].
  assert (Hn : (forall z : nat, P z) \/ ~((forall z : nat, P z))).
  { apply Helper. }
  destruct Hn as [H1 | H2].
  - exists n.
    intros _.
    exact H1.
  - assert (Hz : exists z, ~P z).
    apply not_all_ex_not. 
    exact H2.
  destruct Hz as [z H_not_z].
  exists z.
  intros Hz.

Thanks for the help!

The Drinker’s paradox…

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