Failing when use "destruct" tactic to "or" hypothesis if the conclusion is sumbool

Please check the code in ex1, why “destruct H” fail? what’s the meaning of this error message?

(* the hypothesis is "or" and the conclusion is "sumbool" *)
Example ex1 : forall m : nat, (m = 1 \/ m = 2) -> {m = 1} + {m = 2}.
  Fail destruct H.
(* Case analysis on sort Set is not allowed for inductive definition or. *)
(* why failed here? *)

(* the hypothesis is "or" and the conclusion is a simple prop *)
Example ex2 : forall m : nat, (m = 1 \/ m = 2) -> m >= 1.
  destruct H.                   (* it's OK *)

(* the hypothesis is "and" and the conclusion is "sumbool" *)
Example ex3 : forall m : nat, 1 <= m <= 2 -> {m = 1} + {m = 2}.
  destruct H.                   (* it's OK *)

Your 3 examples basically sum up the situation with respect to destructing/eliminating a term of sort Prop as it is given in the reference manual (destruct is building a match construct). To make it simple:

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Although destruct H does not work in general, you can nevertheless prove your first example by using properties of the natural numbers: repeat (destruct m; try intuition discriminate).

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Thank you. It realy help me.