Destructing term when match generates equality involving that term

Hello everyone,
recently I have run into problems with dependencies preventing me from destructing terms I match on when the branches of the match use the equality generated by the match.
For example I have something like the following scenario:
I have types function and type as well as functions get_type and has_type that infer a type for a function (if possible) and check that a function has a given type.
I also have a lemma get_type_correct that relates get_type and has_type.

Hypothesis function: Type.
Hypothesis type: Type.
Hypothesis get_type: function -> option type.
Hypothesis has_type: function -> type -> Prop.
Hypothesis get_type_correct: forall f t, get_type f = Some t -> has_type f t.

I have then defined an inductive type typed_function that packages a function together with its type and a proof that the type is correct. I have also defined two functions converting between typed and untyped functions.

Inductive typed_function : Type :=
  TR f t:  has_type f t -> typed_function.
Definition untype_function (tf: typed_function):=
  match tf with
  | TR f _ _ => f

Definition type_function (f: function) : option typed_function.
  destruct (get_type f) eqn:E.
  - exact (Some (TR _ _ (get_type_correct _ _ E))).
  - exact None.

Note that type_function needs the equation E generated by the case analysis of (get_type f) to construct the proof needed by the TR constructor.
The actual definition generated by Coq from my tactics is the following:

type_function =
fun f : function =>
let o := get_type f in
let E : get_type f = o := eq_refl in
match o as o0 return (get_type f = o0 -> option typed_function) with
| Some a => (fun (t : type) (E0 : get_type f = Some t) => Some (TR f t (get_type_correct f t E0))) a
| None => fun _ : get_type f = None => None
end E
     : function -> option typed_function

I would like to prove that removing the types from a term that has been successfully typed via type_function results in the original term. However, as far as I can tell, this would require me to do case analysis on get_type f, which Coq will not let me do because it results in wrong types in the return branches.

Lemma untype_of_type_eq f tf: type_function f = Some tf -> untype_function tf = f.
  unfold type_function. intros eq.
  Fail destruct (get_type f).

The command has indeed failed with message:
Abstracting over the term “o” leads to a term
fun o0 : option type =>
match o0 as o1 return (o0 = o1 → option typed_function) with
| Some a => fun E : o0 = Some a => Some (TR f a (get_type_correct f a E))
| None => fun _ : o0 = None => None
end eq_refl = Some tf → untype_function tf = f
which is ill-typed.
Reason is: Illegal application:
The term “get_type_correct” of type
“forall (f : function) (t : type), get_type f = Some t → has_type f t”
cannot be applied to the terms
“f” : “function”
“a” : “type”
“E” : “o0 = Some a”
The 3rd term has type “o0 = Some a” which should be coercible to “get_type f = Some a”.

Even dependent destruction does not work:

  pose (gf := get_type f). fold gf in eq.
  Fail dependent destruction gf.

The command has indeed failed with message:
gf is used in hypothesis eq.

I have not been able to figure out how to deal with such situations and would be very happy about any help.


Here’s an approach that works, following the motto of embracing the computational behavior of equality proofs:

(* eq_trans matches on H0, which does not work in our case, we must match on H. *)
Definition eq_trans2 {A} {x y z : A} (H : y = x) (H0 : y = z) : x = z :=
match H in (_ = a) return (a = z) with
| eq_refl => H0

Lemma untype_of_type_eq f tf: type_function f = Some tf -> untype_function tf = f.
  unfold type_function.
  assert (forall (oe : option type) (He : oe = get_type f),
        match oe as o return (oe = o -> option typed_function) with
    | Some t =>
        (* Combine the equality proofs *)
        fun E : oe = Some t => Some (TR f t (get_type_correct f t (eq_trans2 He E)))
    | None => fun _ : oe = None => None
    end eq_refl = Some tf -> untype_function tf = f) as H.
  - intros oe He. destruct oe.
    + simpl. destruct tf. simpl. intros [= -> ->]. easy.
    + intros [=].
  - specialize (H _ eq_refl). simpl in H. eapply H.
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The issue with destruct (get_type f) is that Coq tries to generalize all the occurrences of get_type f before destructing it. Unfortunately, with the kind of term you are manipulating, this is usually a poor strategy, as it leads to ill-typed terms. So, you have to generalize the sub-terms manually:

Lemma untype_of_type_eq f tf: type_function f = Some tf -> untype_function tf = f.
unfold type_function.
generalize (eq_refl (get_type f)).
generalize (get_type f) at 2 3.
now intros [t|] E [= <-].

In particular, try to understand why eq_refl had to be generalized before get_type f.


Oh, very nice. I never even thought about generalizing eq_refl. This seems to generate a version of the assert from the previous solution without having to write it down manually and without the need for eq_trans2.
Figuring out exactly which occurrences of (get_type f) need to be generalized seems to be quite tricky though.

Here it is quite simple and purely syntactic. The goal looks as follows (with g denoting get_type f):

forall e: g = g, match g as o return (g = o -> ...) with ... end e = ... -> ...

First, you need to generalize the occurrence of g that is being matched upon (that is the reason for calling destruct in the first place). Since e is of type g = g while the return clause expects g = o, you also need to generalize the right-hand side of g = g. That is it.

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By the way, this also explains why it was important to generalize eq_refl g first. Otherwise, you would need to generalize this occurrence of g to please the right-hand side of the return clause, but also not to generalize it to please the left-hand side of the return clause. Obviously, it is impossible to do both. So, by generalizing eq_refl g, we get e: g = g, and now we can handle both occurrences of g differently.