Hi, I am a student currently trying to prove Lagrange’s theorem using Coq, and I have run into some issues that I cannot find many resources or avenues to fix. I was hoping that someone on here could take a look at my definitions for group/subgroup/coset/finite group and provide advice on how to prove some useful theorems surrounding these things, as well as how to formulate a definition of a partition and a finite coset, as I am thinking that I will also need those to eventually prove this theorem. Here are some of the things I have already defined:
Class Group (G : Type) (op : G → G → G) (e : G) (inv : G → G) : Prop :=
group_associativity : forall a b c : G, op (op a b) c = op a (op b c);
group_identity_r : forall a : G, op a e = a;
group_identity_l : forall a : G, op e a = a;
group_inverse_r : forall a : G, op a (inv a) = e;
group_inverse_l : forall a : G, op (inv a) a = e;
group_inverse_identity : inv e = e;
Class subgroup (H : Type) (e’ : H) := makeSubgroup{
subgroup_carrier : H → G;
subgroup_op : H → H → H;
subgroup_inv : H → H;
subgroup_identity_is_identity : subgroup_carrier e’ = e;
subgroup_closure : forall h1 h2 : H, subgroup_carrier (subgroup_op h1 h2) = op (subgroup_carrier h1) (subgroup_carrier h2);
subgroup_identity_r : forall h : H, subgroup_carrier (subgroup_op h e’) = subgroup_carrier h;
subgroup_identity_l : forall h : H, subgroup_carrier (subgroup_op e’ h) = subgroup_carrier h;
subgroup_inverse : forall h : H, subgroup_carrier(subgroup_op h (subgroup_inv h)) = e /\ subgroup_carrier(subgroup_op (subgroup_inv h) h) = e;
Definition left_coset (a : G) (h : H) : Type := {x : G | exists h : H, op a ([h]) = x}.
Definition right_coset (h : H) (a : G) : Type := {x : G | exists h : H, op ([h]) a = x}.
Class FiniteGroup (G : Type) (op : G → G → G) (e : G) (inv : G → G) (card : nat) : Prop :=
group_assoc : forall a b c : G, op (op a b) c = op a (op b c);
group_i_r : forall a : G, op a e = a;
group_i_l : forall a : G, op e a = a;
group_inv_r : forall a : G, op a (inv a) = e;
group_inv_l : forall a : G, op (inv a) a = e;
group_inv_i : inv e = e;
group_cardinality : card > 0;
group_finite : exists l : list G, NoDup l /\ length l = card /\ forall g, In g l;
Definition ListInjective (A B: Type) (f: A → B) (l: list A) :=
(forall x y: A, In x l → In y l → f x = f y → x = y).
Definition ListSurjective (A B: Type) (f: A → B) (l: list B) (l’: list A) :=
(forall x: B, In x l → exists y, In y l’ /\ f y = x).
Definition ListIsomorphism (A B: Type) (f: A → B) (l: list A) (l’: list B) :=
ListInjective A B f l /\ ListSurjective A B f l’ l.
Lemma listinjective_bounds_length (A B: Type):
forall (l1: list A) (l2: list B) (f: A → B),
ListInjective A B f l1 →
(forall c, In c l1 → In (f c) l2) →
length l1 <= length l2.
Lemma listsurjective_bounds_length (A B: Type):
forall (l1: list A) (l2: list B) (f: A → B),
ListSurjective A B f l2 l1 →
length l2 <= length l1.
Lemma listisomorphism_bounds_length (A B: Type):
forall (l1: list A) (l2: list B) (f: A → B),
ListIsomorphism A B f l1 l2 →
length l1 = length l2.
Any tips on how to use them, or prove these Lemmas would be greatly appreciated!