Hi all,
I am having some hard time with the following lemmas, any help would be appreciated 
These first three should be proved using the given definition:
Module OrderNat.
Definition le (n m : nat) := exists p, n + p = m.
Infix "<=" := le.
Lemma le_succ_r : forall n m : nat, n <= S m <-> n <= m \/ n = S m.
+ intros. unfold le in H. destruct H as [p Hp]. destruct p.
- rewrite -> add_0_r in Hp. right. exact Hp.
- left.
Lemma nle_succ_diag_l : forall n : nat, ~ S n <= n.
unfold not.
unfold le. intros. destruct H as [p Hp]. simpl in Hp.
rewrite <- add_succ_r in Hp.
induction n.
+ simpl in Hp. discriminate.
+ apply IHn.
Lemma le_antisymm : forall n m, n <= m -> m <= n -> n = m.
intros n m.
unfold le. intros.
destruct H as [p1 H1].
destruct H0 as [p2 H2].
And these should be done using this:
Module NatOrderDef.
Inductive le (n : nat) : nat -> Prop :=
| le_n : le n n
| le_S : forall m, le n m -> le n (S m).
End NatOrderDef.
Lemma le_add_l : forall n m, n <= m + n.
induction n.
+ rewrite -> add_0_r.
apply le_0_l.
+ rewrite -> add_succ_r.
destruct m.
* simpl. apply le_n.
* apply le_S.
Lemma le_trans : forall n m p, n <= m -> m <= p -> n <= p.
induction n.
+ induction p.
- apply le_n.
- apply le_S. apply le_0_l.
And finally, the trick in these is to use the tactic āinversionā, but I think I am doing it wrong:
Lemma le_succ_l : forall n m, S n <= m -> n <= m.
inversion H.
- apply le_S. apply le_n.
- rewrite -> H1. inversion H.
* apply le_S.
Lemma succ_le_mono : forall n m, n <= m <-> S n <= S m.
+ intros. inversion H.
* apply le_n.
* apply le_S. apply le_succ_r.
Lemma le_antisymm : forall n m, n <= m -> m <= n -> n = m.
inversion H H0.
+ reflexivity.
Thanks for the precious help!
Hi, for the first proof you will need either the tactic injection that simplifies equalities, or to rewrite by the lemma S n = S m -> n = m
. For the converse direction, you will need the tactic exists n
. It should work similarly for the rest of the proofs. Donāt hesitate to check out zulip for short questions and more interactive discussions.
It is a bit unclear to me how an exists n can solve all the proofs? could you give more details please.
PS: thanks for the zulip information, I did not know that.
Hereās the first proof (and only the first proof), in case you need an example to get started.
From Coq Require Import PeanoNat.
Import Nat.
Module OrderNat.
Definition le (n m : nat) := exists p, n + p = m.
Infix "<=" := le.
Lemma le_succ_r : forall n m : nat, n <= S m <-> n <= m \/ n = S m.
- intros. unfold le in H. destruct H as [p Hp]. destruct p.
+ rewrite -> add_0_r in Hp. right. exact Hp.
+ left.
exists p.
rewrite add_succ_r in Hp.
injection Hp.
- intros [H | H].
+ destruct H as [p Hp].
exists (S p).
rewrite add_succ_r.
+ exists 0.
rewrite add_0_r.
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I believe you should first try to come up with a convincing proof in English, and then see I you would translate that English proof into a the Coq language.
So for the first proof. Letās look at the left-to-right direction first. n <= S m
means S m = n + p
for some p
. There are two cases for p
, either p = 0
or p = S q
for some q
. If p = 0
, then S m = n + 0
, which is the same as S m = n
, and thus the right-hand side of your disjunction. If p = S q
, then S m = n + S q
, and thus S m = S (n + q)
, so we can deduce m = n + q
because S
is injective. Now, letās try to collect the important facts:
n + 0 = n
, how do you know that?
n + S q = S (n + q)
, how do you know that?
S a = S b -> a = b
, how do you know that?
You already found out that you needed a theorem called Nat.add_0_r
(you probably imported the Nat
module). You should normally be able to find the other two theorems by using Search
. Here are the directive I suggest.
Require Import Arith.
Search (_ + S _).
Search (S _ = S _).
It seems you got stuck at the step of finding and using this injection lemma.
In the end you will need to prove n <= m
by exhibiting the difference between these two numbers. If S m = n + S q
, then the difference between the two numbers is q
, so you will need exists p
Advanced users often avoid relying on lemmas such as eq_add_S
or Nat.succ_inj
, because the tactic injection
has the same effect, and you do not need to know or find the name of a specific theorem. I suggest that you lookup the documentation for that tactic.
If you want to prove exist p, n = p + m
, then exists k
basically says there is such a p
and it is k, it will then ask to prove that indeed n + k = m
. Note, that k
does not have to be a variable, it could be S (S m)
or sth
PS: sorry I did not mean it was going to solve it all automatically, just that you will need this two tactics among the others that you probably already know
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Thanks a lot for all the help, I managed to do most of the lemmas. I was missing the injection tactic for sure!