Trying to prove sort algorithm correctness (for specific n), in search for hints

So, I have a homework - sort 8 values using minimum number of comparisons and prove that it’s optimal solution. The number is 16 using merge-insertion sort and no less comparisons are possible (informally, because log_2(8!) > 15).
Using Coq isn’t part of the homework, but I want to do it anyway. The actual homework won’t contain any Coq proofs.

The source code looks like this - nested "if"s (third levels in one part of the code) and lots of assignments using auxiliary variable t (to swap values around in the array).

       If (x(1) > x(4)) Then
            If (x(0) > x(4)) Then
                t = x(0)
                x(0) = x(4)
                x(4) = x(3)
                x(3) = x(2)
                x(2) = x(1)
                x(1) = t
                t = x(1)
                x(1) = x(4)
                x(4) = x(3)
                x(3) = x(2)
                x(2) = t
            End If
            If (x(3) > x(4)) Then
                t = x(2)
                x(2) = x(4)
                x(4) = x(3)
                x(3) = t
                t = x(2)
                x(2) = x(3)
                x(3) = t
            End If
        End If

For now I’m trying to define inductive datatype for describing the sort algorithm. Any hints, please?

[Edit1] This is what I got. It seems to be correct. :slight_smile:

Require Import Permutation List Omega.

Inductive value := x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7.
Inductive variable := aux | num: value -> variable.
Definition variable_eq_dec (x y: variable): {x=y} + {x<>y}.
  destruct x, y.
  + left; auto.
  + right; congruence.
  + right; congruence.
  + destruct v, v0; try (left; congruence); (right; congruence).

Inductive assignment := assign: variable -> variable -> assignment.
Inductive comparison := GT: forall (more less: value), comparison.

Inductive step :=
| assignments: forall (L: list assignment), step
| conditional: forall (c: comparison) (positive negative: step), step.

Definition algorithm := list step.

Definition instantation := variable -> nat.

Definition is_increasing (i: instantation) :=
  i (num x0) <= i (num x1) /\
  i (num x1) <= i (num x2) /\
  i (num x2) <= i (num x3) /\
  i (num x3) <= i (num x4) /\
  i (num x4) <= i (num x5) /\
  i (num x5) <= i (num x6) /\
  i (num x6) <= i (num x7).
Definition list_of_values (i: instantation) :=
  i (num x0) :: i (num x1) :: i (num x2) :: i (num x3) :: i (num x4) :: i (num x5) :: i (num x6) :: i (num x7) :: nil.
Definition is_permutation (i1 i2: instantation) := Permutation (list_of_values i1) (list_of_values i2).

Definition is_sorted (start result: instantation) := is_increasing result /\ is_permutation start result.

Definition run_assignment (values: instantation) (a: assignment): instantation.
  destruct a as [v1 v2].
  exact (fun i => if variable_eq_dec i v1 then values v2 else values i).

Definition run_step (values: instantation) (s: step): instantation.
  induction s.
  + induction L.
    - exact values.
    - exact (run_assignment IHL a).
  + destruct c.
    exact (if Compare_dec.gt_dec (values (num more)) (values (num less)) then IHs1 else IHs2).

Definition run_algorithm (values: instantation) (algo: algorithm): instantation.
  induction algo.
  + exact values.
  + exact (run_step IHalgo a).

Definition count_comparisons_in_step (s: step): nat.
  induction s.
  + exact 0.
  + exact (PeanoNat.Nat.max IHs1 IHs2).

Definition do_nothing := assignments nil.
Definition swap (x y: value) :=
  assign (num y) aux ::
  assign (num x) (num y) ::
  assign aux (num x) ::

Definition step1 := conditional (GT x0 x1) (assignments (swap x0 x1)) do_nothing.
Definition step2 := conditional (GT x2 x3) (assignments (swap x2 x3)) do_nothing.
(* etc *)

[Edit2] It was fun while it lasted. Because, for example, running ‘simpl’ on goals like this (only 9 steps instead of all 16) takes forever.

run_algorithm before (step9 :: step8 :: step7 :: step6 :: step5 :: step4 :: step3 :: step2 :: step1 :: nil) (num x1) <=
run_algorithm before (step9 :: step8 :: step7 :: step6 :: step5 :: step4 :: step3 :: step2 :: step1 :: nil) (num x3)

[Edit3] Worked around it, using (i believe) smth called preconditions and postconditions.

What’s the best way of proving goals like this (even with more mixed second list)?

  (x0 :: x1 :: x2 :: x3 :: x4 :: x5 :: x6 :: x7 :: nil)
  (x1 :: x0 :: x3 :: x2 :: x4 :: x5 :: x6 :: x7 :: nil)

Last Qed takes forever (when it shouldn’t) and it seems like a bug:

Can someone reproduce this behaviour? Using the latest Coq 8.12.0.

The following seems to work on simple explicit valid instances (to be checked further…):

From Coq Require Import List Permutation.

Lemma Permutation_Add_cons A :
  forall (a : A) l1 l2 l2', Add a l2 l2' -> Permutation l1 l2 -> Permutation (a :: l1) l2'.
intros a l1 l2 l2' Hadd HP.
now etransitivity; [ apply Permutation_cons | apply Permutation_Add, Hadd ].

Ltac permutation_solve :=
  intros; now repeat (eapply Permutation_Add_cons; [ repeat econstructor | ]).

Goal forall (A : Type) (x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 : A),
  (x0 :: x1 :: x2 :: x3 :: x4 :: x5 :: x6 :: x7 :: nil)
  (x1 :: x0 :: x3 :: x2 :: x4 :: x5 :: x6 :: x7 :: nil).
Proof. permutation_solve. Qed.

Goal forall (A : Type) (x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 : A),
  (x0 :: x1 :: x2 :: x3 :: x4 :: x5 :: x6 :: x7 :: nil)
  (x1 :: x5 :: x4 :: x2 :: x7 :: x3 :: x6 :: x0 :: nil).
Proof. permutation_solve. Qed.
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Now I’m trying to “export” the algorithm to graphviz as flowchart, using the DOT language.

For that I need to set a number for each block (comparison and assignments) to make them distinct. I made such an inductive type:

Require Import List.

Inductive value := x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7.
Inductive variable := aux | num: value -> variable.

Inductive assignment := assign: variable -> variable -> assignment.
Inductive comparison := GT: forall (more less: value), comparison.

Inductive step :=
| assignments: forall (L: list assignment), step
| conditional: forall (c: comparison) (positive negative: step), step.

Definition algorithm := list step.

Inductive step' :=
| assignments': forall (i: nat) (L: list assignment), step'
| conditional': forall (i: nat) (c: comparison) (positive negative: step'), step'.

Any hints how to better transform a step instance to step' instance such that all indexes of assignments are distinct and all indexes of comparisons are distinct too? I hope I explained my idea good enough.

[Edit:] I gave up on this idea (at least for now). It seems more time-efficient to write all the DOT source manually, just by being careful.

[Edit2:] I added the indexes manually and then managed to transform it into DOT source code, except I didn’t clear out the empty assignments. But I fixed this defect by hand.

Is there any development that proves this lower bound (log_2(n!)) for sorting algorithms? Or maybe there is some good literature about such proof (for humans)?

I want to “cheat” by reusing already done work, if possible, because I don’t understand the proof good enough to formalise it in Coq for now.

Thanks in advance.

“Cheating” is welcome and in fact is not cheating, but a required part of actual research. Homework is different, but it’s also carefully selected to be doable without looking it up.

As you might know, a proof “for humans” appears in the Cormen et al. algorithm textbook, but I assume that’s not enough material for a formalized proof. I have absolutely no clue how hard formalizing that is, and my googling did not find an answer. But it found a paper on a related but different problem, quicksort’s average complexity: for that, the following paper from 2008 claims the first mechanized proof.

Official version (paywalled):


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Algorithm textbook by Cormen et al abstracts everything away and uses decision tree model for the proof. Correspondence between sorting algorithm and decision tree isn’t obvious even for me as a human. :frowning:

It’s probably some kind of weirdness caused by tinkering in Coq - if something can’t be formalized in Coq (ideally by me so I understand the formalization better), I don’t understand it. :smiley:

Now I understand the idea. First expand/transform algorithm into some kind of binary tree (type algorithm') then collect all assignments into leafs of the tree (type algorithm'')…

Inductive algorithm': nat -> Type :=
| leaf': algorithm' 0
| conditional': forall n (c: comparison) (pos_assignments neg_assignments: list assignment) (pos neg: algorithm' n), algorithm' (S n).

Inductive algorithm'': nat -> Type :=
| leaf'': list assignment -> algorithm'' 0
| conditional'': forall n (c: comparison) (pos neg: algorithm'' n), algorithm'' (S n).

The question now is - what I’m doing wrong here? I can’t quite prove the equivalence between two types. Any help is appreciated. :slight_smile:

(Edit: As Yves showed me on stackoverflow by finding a counterexample, the theorem is wrong. Oh well, back to thinking. :slight_smile: )

Require Import List Lia.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Inductive value := x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7.
Inductive variable := aux | num: value -> variable.
Definition variable_eq_dec (x y: variable): {x=y} + {x<>y}.
  destruct x, y.
  + left; auto.
  + right; abstract congruence.
  + right; abstract congruence.
  + destruct v, v0; try (left; abstract congruence); (right; abstract congruence).

Inductive assignment := assign: variable -> variable -> assignment.
Inductive comparison := GT: forall (more less: value), comparison.

Definition instantation := variable -> nat.

Definition run_assignment (a: assignment) (i: instantation): instantation :=
  match a with
  | assign v1 v2 => fun x => if variable_eq_dec x v1 then i v2 else i x end.

Fixpoint run_assignment_list (L: list assignment): instantation -> instantation :=
  match L with
  | nil => fun i => i
  | a :: l => fun i => run_assignment_list l (run_assignment a i)

Inductive algorithm': nat -> Type :=
| leaf': algorithm' 0
| conditional': forall n (c: comparison) (pos_assignments neg_assignments: list assignment) (pos neg: algorithm' n), algorithm' (S n).

Inductive algorithm'': nat -> Type :=
| leaf'': list assignment -> algorithm'' 0
| conditional'': forall n (c: comparison) (pos neg: algorithm'' n), algorithm'' (S n).

Definition run_algorithm' n (a: algorithm' n): instantation -> instantation.
  induction a.
  + exact (fun x => x).
  + intro i. destruct c. exact (if Compare_dec.gt_dec (i (num more)) (i (num less))
                       then IHa1 (run_assignment_list pos_assignments i)
                       else IHa2 (run_assignment_list neg_assignments i)).

Definition run_algorithm'' n (a: algorithm'' n) (i: instantation): instantation.
  induction a.
  + exact (run_assignment_list l i).
  + destruct c.
    exact (if Compare_dec.gt_dec (i (num more)) (i (num less)) then IHa1 else IHa2).

Fixpoint append_assignments n (a: algorithm'' n) (L: list assignment): algorithm'' n :=
  match a with
  | leaf'' L0 => leaf'' (L ++ L0)
  | conditional'' c pos neg => conditional'' c (append_assignments pos L) (append_assignments neg L)

Fixpoint algorithm'_to_algorithm'' n (a: algorithm' n): algorithm'' n :=
  match a with
  | leaf' => leaf'' nil
  | conditional' c Lpos Lneg pos neg =>
      conditional'' c (append_assignments (algorithm'_to_algorithm'' pos) Lpos)
                      (append_assignments (algorithm'_to_algorithm'' neg) Lneg)

Theorem algorithm'_algorithm''_equiv n (a: algorithm' n):
  forall (i: instantation) (x: variable), run_algorithm' a i x = run_algorithm'' (algorithm'_to_algorithm'' a) i x.

Also I encountered problems when I tried using Program. I can’t prove the following thing (at the end with Admitted).

Edit: I was told to use Function in Zulip and it worked.

Require Import Permutation List Lia Program.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Inductive value := x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7.
Inductive variable := aux | num: value -> variable.

Inductive assignment := assign: variable -> variable -> assignment.
Inductive comparison := GT: forall (more less: value), comparison.

Inductive step :=
| assignments: forall (L: list assignment), step
| conditional: forall (c: comparison) (positive negative: step), step.

Definition algorithm := list step.

Fixpoint add_assignments (L: list assignment) (s: step): step :=
  match s with
  | assignments L0 => assignments (L ++ L0)
  | conditional c pos neg => conditional c (add_assignments L pos) (add_assignments L neg)

Definition add_assignments_to_algorithm (L: list assignment) (a: algorithm): algorithm :=
  match a with
  | nil => conditional (GT x0 x1) (assignments L) (assignments L) :: nil
  | x :: t => add_assignments L x :: t

Program Fixpoint compactify_algorithm (a: algorithm) {measure (length a)}: algorithm :=
  match a with
  | nil => nil
  | assignments L :: nil => conditional (GT x0 x1) (assignments L) (assignments L) :: nil
  | assignments L :: (x :: t) as tail => compactify_algorithm (add_assignments_to_algorithm L tail)
  | conditional c pos neg :: t => conditional c pos neg :: compactify_algorithm t

Theorem compactify_algorithm_aux (a: algorithm) (L: list assignment) (x: step):
  compactify_algorithm (assignments L :: x :: a) = compactify_algorithm (add_assignments_to_algorithm L (x :: a)).

Incidently, in a survey paper recently announced on the Coq Club, there is a link to a formalisation in Isabelle/HOL of the bound of comparisons.

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What strategy should be used to prove this result (at the end, with Admitted)? Thanks in advance for any hints. :slight_smile:

Hopefully it is true theorem. I already got burned when I had wrong intuition and there was counterexample found.

Edit: Based on counterexample found by Yves on stackoverflow, I added few more conditions to remove all counterexamples of that type.

Edit 2:
Even then there are counterexamples, for example:

assignments (assign aux (num x1) :: assign (num x1) (num x0) :: nil) :: 
  conditional (GT x0 x1)
    (assignments nil)
    (assignments (assign (num x0) aux :: nil)) :: nil.

Require Import Permutation List Lia FunInd Recdef.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Inductive value := x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7.
Inductive variable := aux | num: value -> variable.
Definition variable_eq_dec (x y: variable): {x=y} + {x<>y}.
  destruct x, y.
  + left; auto.
  + right; abstract congruence.
  + right; abstract congruence.
  + destruct v, v0; try (left; abstract congruence); (right; abstract congruence).

Inductive assignment := assign: variable -> variable -> assignment.
Inductive comparison := GT: forall (more less: value), comparison.

Inductive step :=
| assignments: forall (L: list assignment), step
| conditional: forall (c: comparison) (positive negative: step), step.

Definition algorithm := list step.

Definition instantation := variable -> nat.

Definition list_of_values (i: instantation) :=
  i (num x0) :: i (num x1) :: i (num x2) :: i (num x3) :: i (num x4) :: i (num x5) :: i (num x6) :: i (num x7) :: nil.
Definition is_permutation (i1 i2: instantation) := Permutation (list_of_values i1) (list_of_values i2).

Definition run_assignment (a: assignment) (i: instantation): instantation :=
  match a with
  | assign v1 v2 => fun x => if variable_eq_dec x v1 then i v2 else i x end.

Fixpoint run_assignment_list (L: list assignment): instantation -> instantation :=
  match L with
  | nil => fun i => i
  | a :: l => fun i => run_assignment_list l (run_assignment a i)

Fixpoint run_step (s: step) (i: instantation): instantation :=
  match s with
  | assignments L => run_assignment_list L i
  | conditional (GT more less) pos neg =>
       if Compare_dec.gt_dec (i (num more)) (i (num less)) then run_step pos i else run_step neg i

Fixpoint run_algorithm (a: algorithm): instantation -> instantation :=
  match a with
  | nil => fun i => i
  | s :: t => fun i => run_algorithm t (run_step s i)
Definition permuting_step (s: step) := forall (i: instantation), is_permutation i (run_step s i).
Definition permuting_algorithm (a: algorithm) := forall (i: instantation), is_permutation i (run_algorithm a i).

(* Additions *)

Fixpoint compact_assignments (a: algorithm): Prop :=
  match a with
  | nil => True
  | assignments L :: assignments L0 :: t => False
  | x :: t => compact_assignments t

Fixpoint no_useless_comparisons_in_step (s: step): Prop :=
  match s with
  | assignments L => True
  | conditional (GT a b) pos neg => a <> b /\ no_useless_comparisons_in_step pos /\ no_useless_comparisons_in_step neg
Definition no_useless_comparisons (a: algorithm) := forall x, In x a -> no_useless_comparisons_in_step x.

Definition compact_algorithm (a: algorithm) := compact_assignments a /\ no_useless_comparisons a.

Theorem permuting_algorithm_aux00 (a: algorithm) (s: step):
  compact_algorithm (s :: a) -> permuting_algorithm (s :: a) -> permuting_algorithm a /\ permuting_step s.