Hello, I am playing with a formalization mergesort based on the following merge
Definition len (p: list nat * list nat) :=
length (fst p) + length (snd p).
Function merge (p: list nat * list nat) {measure len p} :=
match p with
| (nil, l2) => l2
| (l1, nil) => l1
| ((hd1 :: tl1) as l1, (hd2 :: tl2) as l2) =>
if hd1 <=? hd2 then hd1 :: merge (tl1, l2)
else hd2 :: merge (l1, tl2)
Now I want to prove that merge
outputs a sorted list, if it receives a pair of sorted lists as arguments. I can write this property in two different ways. The first way is:
Theorem merge_sorts: forall p, sorted_pair_lst p -> sorted (merge p).
Definition sorted_pair_lst (p: list nat * list nat) := sorted (fst p) /\ sorted (snd p).
and everything works fine. I managed to prove it using functional induction (merge p).
But I could also write the same property with explicit reference to the elements of the pair:
Theorem merge_sorts: forall l1 l2, sorted l1 -> sorted l2 -> sorted(merge(l1,l2)).
But now I am no longer able to prove it using functional induction (merge (l1,l2)).
In fact, the non-recursive cases generates a new variable l0 without any relation with l1 and l2:
4 goals (ID 1671)
l1, l2, l0 : list nat
sorted l1 -> sorted l2 -> sorted l0
goal 2 (ID 1674) is:
sorted l1 -> sorted l2 -> sorted l0
goal 3 (ID 1677) is:
sorted l1 -> sorted l2 -> sorted (hd1 :: merge (tl1, hd2 :: tl2))
goal 4 (ID 1680) is:
sorted l1 -> sorted l2 -> sorted (hd2 :: merge (hd1 :: tl1, tl2))
If I do remember (l1,l2) as l_pair
then I manage to solve the non-recursive cases, but then the recursive cases can no longer be proved. Here is the first recursive case:
1 goal (ID 1688)
l1, l2 : list nat
hd1 : nat
tl1 : list nat
hd2 : nat
tl2 : list nat
Heql_pair : (hd1 :: tl1, hd2 :: tl2) = (l1, l2)
e0 : (hd1 <=? hd2) = true
IHl : (tl1, hd2 :: tl2) = (l1, l2) -> sorted l1 -> sorted l2 -> sorted (merge (tl1, hd2 :: tl2))
sorted l1 -> sorted l2 -> sorted (hd1 :: merge (tl1, hd2 :: tl2))
The problem is that l1 in the hypothesis Heql_pair is hd1::tl1, while in the induction hypothesis the very same l1 is tl1. So the problem is that Coq uses the same variable l1 to represent the first component of the pair before and after the application of the function merge. Is it a bug in the functional induction
tactic? If not, is there a way to prove this last theorem using functional induction
? I managed to prove it doing nested induction (first in l1, and then in l2), but I would like to better understand the functional induction
tactic. Best, Flávio.