Memory limit for commands

We have Timeout command to constraint the execution time.
Is there a similar tool for memory usage?

With coq-reduction-effects installed, the following code exhausted my memory:

(* Testing the printing side effect *)
From Coq Require Import NArith Streams.
From ReductionEffect Require Import PrintingEffect.
Open Scope N_scope.

CoFixpoint fib1 (a b : N) : Stream N :=
  let t := fib1 b (a + b) in
  let _ := print t in
  Cons a t.
Eval cbv in (Str_nth 10 (fib1 0 1)). (* Works fine *)

CoFixpoint fib2 (a b : N) : Stream N :=
  let t := fib2 b (a + b) in
  let _ := print (hd t) in
  Cons a t.
Eval cbv in (Str_nth 10 (fib2 0 1)). (* Stack overflow *)

and I hope to capture this failure.