Posted this on stack overflow, then decided that it is even more appropriate here.
After many failures I discovered a strange thing Coq does that I don’t understand.
Sorry for involved code, I was not able to isolate a simpler example.
I have a formula I call trident
in three variables p
, q
, r
I then simply write out an instance of this formula with a <-> b
in place of p
, a
in place of q
and b
in place of r
, and just try to prove a lemma stating that the result is equivalent to the substitution into trident
as above. When trying to prove I am stuck with the first subgoal which reads
a, b : Prop
H : b
a \/ (a <-> b)
and this is obviously unprovable: if b
is assumed to be true, then a \/ (a <-> b)
becomes just a
, and there is no reason for it to be true.
Here is the whole code:
From Coq Require Import Setoid.
Definition denseover (p q : Prop) := (p -> q) -> q.
Definition trident (p q r : Prop) :=
(denseover p (q \/ r))
/\ (denseover q (r \/ p))
/\ (denseover r (p \/ q))
) -> (p \/ q \/ r).
Lemma triexpand : forall a b : Prop,
((a <-> b) \/ a \/ b)
<-> ((a \/ (a -> b)) /\ (b \/ (b -> a))).
Lemma substritwo : forall a b : Prop,
(trident (a <-> b) a b)
(denseover (a <-> b) (a \/ b))
/\ (denseover a (b \/ (a <-> b)))
/\ (denseover b (a \/ (a <-> b)))
) -> ((a <-> b) \/ a \/ b)
unfold trident, denseover.
rewrite triexpand.
destruct H.
destruct H0.
destruct H.
destruct H0.
destruct H.
destruct H0.
What am I doing wrong here?