Hi there,
I have a theorem stating that if a binary relation can be split as the union of two other relations (R = union R1 R2) than a certain property holds, where the union is defined inductively:
Definition Rel (A:Type) := A → A → Prop.
Inductive union {A} (red1 red2: Rel A) : Rel A :=
| union_left: forall a b, red1 a b → union red1 red2 a b
| union_right: forall a b, red2 a b → union red1 red2 a b.
Theorem mytheorem {A:Type}: forall (R :Rel A), exists (R1 R2: Rel A), R = (union R1 R2) /\ …
In other project, I defined the relation lx inductively as follows:
Inductive lx: Rel pterm :=
| b_ctx_rule : forall t u, b_ctx t u → lx t u
| x_ctx_rule : forall t u, x_ctx t u → lx t u.
Now I need to prove that lx = union b_ctx x_ctx in order to use my theorem:
1 subgoal (ID 333)
lx = union b_ctx x_ctx
Is it possible to do so? In other words, is an inductive defined relation “equal” to the union of its constructors?
Any comment suggestion is very much appreciated.