CoqMakefile.conf uses wrong name for coq_makefile command

Í updated Coq yesterday, installing the newest Coq platform version instead of my previous 2 year old version. Unfortunately, after that update automatically building my projects using make and coq_makefile does not work anymore.
I keep getting the following error message when trying to build my project:
/bin/sh: 1: coq_makefile: not found

I am using the coq platform on windows and use the windows subsystem for Linux (WSL) to be able to use make. For WSL to be able to find the correct coq version, I need to use .exe when calling a command, so for example coqc.exe or coq_makefile.exe.
Previously the automated tools worked if I had a CoqMakefile.local specifying the correct path to the tools looking like this:


However, since the update, this does not seem to be sufficient. Specifically, coq_makefile.exe generates a file CoqMakefile.config which seems to be called from the main CoqMakefile. The generated CoqMakefile.config contains the following line:

COQMKFILE ?= “$(COQBIN)coq_makefile”

This seems to be the problem. Manually replacing coq_makefile with coq_makefile.exe here, seems to solve the problem.

Is there a way to ensure that the correct command name is used in the CoqMakefile.config file, perhaps by adding something else to CoqMakefile.local?