Library Coq.Init.Wf
defines a well-founded fixed point operator Fix_F
. The definition is nonstandard (I think) since it uses a nested match rather than a top-level match. Below appear two eliminators for Acc where elim1
is a standard eliminator with a top level match and elim2
is an eliminator using a nested match similar to Fix_F
Section Acc.
Variable X : Type.
Variable R : X -> X -> Prop.
Variable P : X -> Type.
Variable F : forall x, (forall y, R y x -> P y) -> P x.
Fixpoint elim1 (x : X) (a : Acc R x) : P x :=
let (h) := a in F x (fun y r => elim1 y (h y r)).
Fixpoint elim2 (x : X) (a : Acc R x) : P x :=
F x (fun y r => elim2 y (let (h) := a in h y r)).
End Acc.
I’m curious whether using elim2
is essential for applications, in particular the Equations plugin, or whether elim1
would suffice. My guess is that elim1
suffices. In other words, was it a deliberate decision to have elim2
rather than elim1
The background of my question is the quest for a kernel without match and fix but rather a single eliminator for every inductive type. I think of elim1
as the canonical eliminator for Acc