Negative definitions of coinductive propositions

I am working with the following coinductive definition of the conatural numbers (using primitive projections):

CoInductive t : Set := mk {| pred : option t |}.

This definition is chosen over the traditional one with two constructors because positive coinductive definitions are of course officially discouraged. But I am having trouble figuring out how to define a bisimulation on this type in terms of projections. In positive terms it is quite simple:

CoInductive equal : t -> t -> Prop  :=
| equal_zero : equal (mk None) (mk None)
| equal_succ x y : equal x y -> equal (mk (Some x)) (mk (Some y)).

But in addition to its being “evil” I don’t understand how to do anything with it. In particular I can’t even see a way to prove the essential lemma eval_equal : forall x, equal {| pred := pred x |} x.

On the other hand, trying to write a negative version of this proposition is blowing my mind. The closest I can come is

CoInductive equal (x y : t) : Prop :=
  equal_pred :
  match pred x, pred y with
  | Some x', Some y' => equal x' y'
  | Some _, None => False
  | None, Some _ => False
  | None, None => True

Aside from being absurdly complicated, this fails due to a non-strictly-positive occurrence of equal. What do?

Start by proving by coinduction that your definition of equal is reflexive: forall x, equal x x. Then eval_equal becomes a trivial corollary of it, by studying both cases for x.


One thing that I think may be tripping you is that in your first definition of equal, you introduce explicit equality constraints between elements of t. Thinking explicitly about the distinction between t, whose elements and opaque, and the type of its observations, option t, that you use to build a bisimilarity on t, can be useful.

If it can help, here are two approches, one by hand, and one with library support. Hopefully the comments help, but don’t hesitate if things remain opaque.

Set Primitive Projections.

CoInductive t : Set := mk { pred : option t }.

(* It's sometimes useful to explicitly distinguish your datatype t,
	of which values are completely opaque, from the datatype of their
	observation, that offers to the outerworld an observation, in this
	case whether they can take a transition to a new [t], or are a distinguished
	stuck inhabitant.
Definition t' := option t.

Module byHand.

(* So that we can think of first defining what it means to agree
	on a layer of observation.
Definition eqF (R : t -> t -> Prop) : t' -> t' -> Prop :=
	fun x y =>
		match x,y with
		| None, None => True 
		| Some x, Some y => R x y 
		| _, _ => False 

(* And then tie the knot... Except that the positivity condition
	annoys us, so we inline both notions.
Fail CoInductive equal : t -> t -> Prop  := 
	| SEqual n m : eqF equal (pred n) (pred m) -> equal n m. 

CoInductive equal : t -> t -> Prop  := 
	| ENone n m : pred n = None -> pred m = None -> equal n m 
	| ESome n m n' m': 
			pred n = Some n' -> 
			pred m = Some m' -> 
			equal n' m' ->
			equal n m. 

(* Importantly, as stupid as your unfolding law seems
	it relies on establishing a bisimulation between both
	objects. Here we are going to see that they expose the
	same head behavior (either stuck, or can step), and
	happen to jump to the exact same state afterwards.
	Coq's guard condition is just lenient enough that
	we can simply exploit the reflexivity of the relation
	in this second case.

	Reflexivity is however a proper cofix, and we need to
	be careful to not upset the guard behind the scene.
Lemma equal_refl : forall x, equal x x.
	cofix cih.
	intros x.
	destruct (pred x) as [x' | ] eqn:eq.
	- exact (ESome x x x' x' eq eq (cih x')).
  - exact (ENone x x eq eq).

(* Once we have that, we just observe one layer, and we are done *)
Lemma unfold_t : forall x, equal {| pred := pred x |} x.
	intros x.
	destruct (pred x) eqn:eq.
	- eapply ESome.
		exact eq.
	  apply equal_refl.
	- eapply ENone.
		exact eq.

End byHand.

(* My sentiment is that you really should use libraries for that though. They free you from the guard condition, guide you to understand what you are doing, and provide stronger reasoning principles.
Essentially one of:
- paco, based on parameterized coinduction
- coinduction < 1.5, based on the companion in the style of coinduction all the way up
- coinduction >= 1.5, based on the companion built by tower induction.
Here, with the latest (`opam install coq-coinduction`)
From Coinduction Require Import all.

Module withLib.

(* This time we have to define the monotone functor making one observation *)
Definition eqF : mon (t -> t -> Prop).
refine {| 
	body R t u :=
		match pred t, pred u with
		| None, None => True 
		| Some x, Some y => R x y 
		| _, _ => False 
 intros ?? LE a b ?.
 destruct (pred a), (pred b); auto. 
 now apply LE.

(* We use the library [gfp] construction *)
Notation equal := (gfp eqF).
Infix "≡" := (elem _) (at level 10).

(* If we try to prove the unfolding, we see more explicitly the short coming in the care we want to conclude by reflexivity *)
Lemma eval_equal : 
	forall x, equal {| pred := pred x |} x.
	coinduction r cih.
	intros x; cbn.
	destruct (pred x); auto.

(* The base solution is to observe that we went with an incorrect coinduction candidate, we hence restart by extending it with the diagonal *)
Lemma eval_equal : 
	forall x, equal {| pred := pred x |} x.
	cut (
		(forall x, equal {| pred := pred x |} x) /\
		(forall x, equal x x)
	- intuition.
	- coinduction r [cih cih'].
		+ intros x; cbn.
			destruct (pred x); auto.
		+ intros x; cbn.
			destruct (pred x); auto.

(* But more efficiently, we want to justify that "up-to reflexivity" is a valid coinduction principle *)
	#[local] Instance equal_upto_refl (c : Chain eqF) : Reflexive (elem c).
		apply Reflexive_chain. intros R HR x. 
		now destruct (pred x).
	(* Allowing for a clean proof *)
	Lemma eval_equal' : 
		forall x, equal {| pred := pred x |} x.
	  coinduction r cih.
		intros x; cbn.
		destruct (pred x); auto.

  (* More examples by Damien Pous: *)
End withLib.