How to prove a function is uniquely specified?

I started working through the Software Foundations series as a way to learn Coq. I have previously studied logic and I’m not new to functional programming either.

Along the way, I’ve been experimenting with my own code and proofs beyond the official exercises. But I’ve hit a brick wall with one my attempts and wanted to see if someone could provide guidance on how to do what I’m trying to do.

In the Induction chapter, there’s a series of proofs about converting between unary and binary number representations. The final proof is to show that your normalize function is equivalent to turning a binary number into a unary one and back.

I followed all the directions for writing the other functions until that point and ended up with a straightforward proof that only needed one lemma (instead of the two the book said were likely required).

But after I was done, I wanted to find a way to prove that my normalize actually did what I intended, specifically that it removed all leading zeros from all binary number inputs. I then wanted to use that to prove that normalize was now uniquely specified: that any function that obeyed the properties I’ve proved about normalize must give the same outputs as my normalize when given the same inputs.

I am pretty sure I need the proof about the absence of leading zeros to prove that normalize is uniquely specified because it seems that there could be some alternative normalization scheme where you always had exactly one leading zero. (Or exactly one leading zero whenever the number was prime for that matter.)

I haven’t been able to figure out how to get the first proof to work, and so I haven’t even attempted the second one.

Can anyone provide some help on how to do this? Right now, I don’t know if the issue is that I’m not good enough with using tactics or if I’ve gone about trying to do this proof in a bad way that is making this harder than it has to be.

Here’s what I’ve tried as a starting point:

Fixpoint bin_tail (b : bin) : bin :=
  match b with
  | Z => Z
  | B0 Z => B0 Z
  | B1 Z => B1 Z
  | B0 x => bin_tail x
  | B1 x => bin_tail x

Definition is_denorm (b : bin) : bool :=
  match bin_tail b with
  | B0 Z => true
  | _ => false

Lemma tail_norms : forall b, normalize (bin_tail b) = bin_tail (normalize b).
Proof. Admitted.

Lemma norm_norms : forall b, is_denorm (normalize b) = false.
Proof. Admitted.

I tried a different approach using the nat_to_bin function:

Example nat_never_B0Z : forall n, not (nat_to_bin n = (B0 Z)).
Proof. Admitted.

None of these got me anywhere. Any help would be appreciate.

I don’t know if my post was poorly titled and tagged or if the contents were not good at explaining my question. Or perhaps this type question is better asked in some other place. Feedback from any forum regulars would be nice so that my future posts would be better.

Having gotten a lot more experience over the last few days, I think the lemmas I was having difficulty with are a matter of my skill with tactics, and that my difficulty in proving the uniqueness of normalize comes down to not yet knowing how to properly specify in Coq what I want to prove.

I’ll revisit this idea once I’ve gotten more experience and will post a more targeted question in whatever place is appropriate if I still need help.

My understanding of your post is that you are trying to prove the following theorem:

Theorem uniquely (f : bin -> bin) :
  normalize_spec f -> forall x, f x = normalize x.

But since you have given the definition of neither normalize nor normalize_spec, it is hard to provide you with an interesting answer.

Good point.

The Software Foundations books have a lot of notices asking that readers not post answers online. Since normalize is one of those problems, is it okay to post my version here? I wasn’t sure of the rules. If posting the code for the functions allowed, I’ll do that when I get back home from this trip.