How to activate the messages window in vscode like the coqide has?

I am expecting something in my messages bar but I don’t see it

Example script:

Fixpoint add_left (n m : nat) : nat :=
  match n with
  | O => m
  | S p => S (add_left p m)
Lemma demo_1 :
  forall (n : nat),
    add_left n O = n.
  intros.                                     (* goal : add_left n O = n *)  
  let add_left_red := eval red in add_left in (* reduce add_left, but leave goal alone *)
  idtac add_left_red.                         (* print the result *)
  (* Print eval. gives error *) 
  Print red.
  Print add_left_red.

in JScoq I see (jsCoq – The Coq Theorem Prover Online IDE):

(fix add_left (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
  match n with
| 0 => m
| S p => S (add_left p m)

in vscode I see nothing.

See pics for clarity

cross: The messages bar is missing? · Issue #280 · coq-community/vscoq · GitHub
visual studio code - How to activate the Coq messages in vscode/vscoq like in the CoqIde/jscoq? - Stack Overflow

For the record, this has been answered at The messages bar is missing? · Issue #280 · coq-community/vscoq · GitHub (and the answer is to look in the “Notices” sheet of the output window).