Extracting sequences from Coq to OCaml

I’m trying to write some verified code that I’ll later extract to ocaml:

Notation " x <- e1 ;; e2" := (match e1 with
                              | SomeE x => e2
                              | NoneE err => NoneE err
         (right associativity, at level 60) : monad_scope.
Notation " 'return' e "
  := (SomeE e) (at level 60) : monad_scope.
Notation " 'fail' s "
  := (NoneE s) (at level 60) : monad_scope.

Definition keep {Y : Type} (x : unit) (y : Y) : Y :=
  let hello := x in y.
Notation " x #; y " := (keep x y) (at level 60) : monad_scope.

Definition func (_ : unit) : optionE unit :=
    print_endline "Please enter a username (length 1-32, no spaces)" #;
    (* actually do some real computations *)
    print_endline "more printing" #;
    return tt.

I’ve written the keep function in an attempt to fix the problem I’ve been having: whenever I write

let _ := func_that_returns_unit 5 in

in Coq, it is extracted to just () in OCaml, as if the extractor is attempting to optimize out a function that it perceives as “not doing anything.”

My extraction setup:

Require Extraction.
Extraction Language OCaml.
Unset Extraction Optimize.

Extract Inlined Constant keep => "(fun x y -> let _ = x in y)".

Axiom print_endline : string -> unit.
Extract Inlined Constant print_endline => "print_endline".
Recursive Extraction func.

The keep function has been working for me, although there’s some strange stream-flushing behavior going on that somehow is not solved by explicit calls to flush.

Is it possible to extract to plain OCaml sequences?

Stumbled across the answer by investigating coqffi and related projects:

Notation " let* '_' <= e1 #; e2 " := (match e1 with
                                    | tt => e2 
         (right associativity, at level 60) : monad_scope.

This generates the slightly verbose, yet functional let _ = ... in form for all of my IO needs.