Require Import Reals.
(* Euler's formula in Horner's form *)
Definition pi := (nat_rect _ 0 (fun n p => 2 + p * INR n / (2 * INR n + 1)))%R.
What is the easiest way to evaluate pi 100
and print the first 15 decimals?
Require Import Reals.
(* Euler's formula in Horner's form *)
Definition pi := (nat_rect _ 0 (fun n p => 2 + p * INR n / (2 * INR n + 1)))%R.
What is the easiest way to evaluate pi 100
and print the first 15 decimals?
From Coq Require Import Reals.
From Interval Require Import Tactic.
Definition pi := (nat_rect _ 0 (fun n p => 2 + p * IZR (Z_of_nat n) / (2 * IZR (Z_of_nat n) + 1)))%R.
Goal True.
let v := eval simpl in (pi 100) in
interval_intro v.
H : (8961703559183965 / 2251799813685248 <=
2 + (2 + (2 + (2 + (2 + (2 + (2 + (2 + (2 +
(2 + (2 + (...) * 89 / (... + 1)) * 90 / (2 * 90 + 1)) * 91 / (2 * 91 + 1)) *
92 / (2 * 92 + 1)) * 93 / (2 * 93 + 1)) * 94 / (2 * 94 + 1)) * 95 /
(2 * 95 + 1)) * 96 / (2 * 96 + 1)) * 97 / (2 * 97 + 1)) * 98 /
(2 * 98 + 1)) * 99 / (2 * 99 + 1) <= 8961703559183979 / 2251799813685248)%R
Now, you need to use some other tool to convert the bounds to decimal, which gives you 3.979795852508501 <= ... <= 3.979795852508507
, hence your fifteen digits.
I had to change INR
to IZR
in your definition of pi
, otherwise Coq kind of dies while displaying H
, but in theory it should also work with INR
for smaller values of n
If you do not want to use an external tool to get the decimal digits, you can use a slightly more complicated formula:
let v := eval simpl in (IZR (Raux.Zfloor (pi 100 * powerRZ 10 14))) in
interval_intro v with (i_prec 90).
How utterly embarrassing to compute pi to 3.97…
Require Import Reals.
Open Scope R.
From Interval Require Import Tactic. (* 'interval' tactic *)
Require Import List. Import ListNotations.
Definition Dec := fold_right (fun a b => a + b/10) 0.
Definition pi m := (nat_rect _ 0 (fun n p => 2 + p * IZR (Z_of_nat (m-n)) / (2 * IZR (Z_of_nat (m-n)) + 1)) m)%R.
Definition x := Dec [3;1;4;1;5;9;2;6;5;3;5;8;9;7;9].
Definition eps := 1/100000000000000.
Goal x < pi 100 < x + eps.
split; unfold x, eps, pi; simpl; interval.
Goal True.
let X := (eval simpl in (pi 20)) in
let x := (eval unfold pi in X) in
let y := (eval simpl in x) in
interval_intro y with (i_prec 100) as EQ;
replace y with X in * by reflexivity.
EQ : 995610223197390062935504709050 / 316912650057057350374175801344 <=
pi 20 <= 995610223197390062935504709052 / 316912650057057350374175801344
One can use the exact real numbers from math-classes/corn. I can try to give more instructions later when I find the time.
@VincentSe may also be interested
@larsr Using the CoRN library you can do this to get the decimal expansion of π to 50 digits:
From CoRN Require Import CRtrans.
Local Open Scope Q_scope.
(* This file illustrates how to use the computational reals CR *)
Definition answer (n:positive) (r:CR) : Z :=
let m := (iter_pos _ (Pmult 10) 1%positive n) in
let (a,b) := (approximate r (Qpos2QposInf (1#m)))*(Zpos m#1) in
Z.div a (Zpos b).
(* approximate pi to 50 digits *)
Time Eval vm_compute in answer 50 (CRpi)%CR.
(* = 314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510%Z *)
(* : Z *)
(* Finished transaction in 0.105 secs (0.104u,0.s) (successful) *)