I am extracting to Haskell which is very exciting:
data Coq_signal =
| Tuple2 Coq_signal Coq_signal
Is it possible to extract a datatype declaration which has some deriving instances for things like Show and Eq e.g. to produce something like:
data Coq_signal =
| Tuple2 Coq_signal Coq_signal
deriving (Eq, Show)
Thank you!
My solution to this issue when it has popped up is to just use the -XStandaloneDeriving
language extension in Haskell. See: https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/glasgow_exts.html#stand-alone-deriving-declarations
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Yes, thank you. That is what I was going to do otherwise and I guess it seems like a plausible solution.
Enrico Tassi made a Deriving extension using Elpi in Coq.
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