I’ve run into a problem with giving semantics to categorical programming languages.
Associativity of composition makes reduction relations icky.
A toy example to illustrate the problem (my real code uses actual typing judgments.)
The basic grammar
Inductive obj := unit | empty | prod (_ _: obj) | sum (_ _: obj).
Inductive term : sort -> sort -> Type :=
| id A: term A A
| compose {A B C}: term B C -> term A B -> term A C
| bang A: term A unit
| fanout {A B C}: term C A -> term C B -> term C (prod A B)
| fst {A B}: term (prod A B) A
| snd {A B}: term (prod A B) B
| absurd A: term empty A
| fanin {A B C}: term A C -> term B C -> term (sum A B) C
| inl {A B}: term A (sum A B)
| inr {A B}: term B (sum A B)
Infix "'o'" := compose (at level 30, no associativity).
You’d want to attach reduction relations like
Induction step: forall {A B}, term A B -> term A B -> Type :=
| step_id_left {A B} (f: term A B): id A o f ~> f
| step_id_right {A B} (f: term A B): f o id A ~> f
| step_fst_fanout {A B C} (f: term C A) (g: term C B): fst o fanout f g ~> f
| step_fanin_inl {A B C} (f: term A C) (g: term B C): fanin f g o inl ~> f
where "A ~> B" := (step A B).
And so on and so forth.
But there is a problem (fst o fst) o fanout x y
does not reduce
I could add a rule like
| step_assoc {A B C D} (f: term C D) (g: term B C) (h: term A B): f o (g o h) ~> (f o g) o h
But that would prefer one canonical form over the other. I want to make f o (g o h)
equivalent and not prefer one over the other. Also I would have to rework sum types.
I’m not quite sure what the recommended way of doing this is.
If Coq had higher inductive types one could add a loop to the AST.
| compose_assoc {A B C D} (f: term C D) (g: term B C) (h: term A B): f o (g o h) = (f o g) o h
And I feel like things would mostly just work.
But I’m not sure how to handle things rn.
You end up with some nonsense like:
| compose {A B}: tree A B -> term A B
Where tree would be something like a binary search tree thing/free path category.
And you would have various union operations combining trees together.
It just all seems very awkward in practice and I’m wondering if there is a better way for this sort of thing.