Coqtop not found

Did you ever find a solution to this?

What brought me here was that I was using vs-code (How to set the coq path for vscode (how to find coqtop)? · Issue #243 · coq-community/vscoq · GitHub) and it couldn’t find the path since I didn’t have it installed. The dmg didn’t work so I installed it with opam and now vs-code was able to find coqtop by itself once I installed it with opam. Perhaps that is your issue. This is how I installed it with opam:

Installing Coq

  1. install brew:

  2. install opam (opam - Install):

# Homebrew
brew install gpatch
brew install opam

check opam was installed:

opam --version
  1. follow inria’s instructions: but I think this works:
opam init
eval $(opam env)

opam install opam-depext
opam-depext coq

opam pin add coq 8.13.1

note: Pinning prevents opam from upgrading Coq automatically, which may cause inadvertent breakage in your Coq projects

then check coq installed correctly with:

coqc -v

To ensure that installation was successful, check that
coqc -v
prints the expected version of Coq.

hope it helps though I know this doesn’t answer the question of “where is coqtop” which I think would be nice to get an answer.