Compute a bijection (A <~> B) from a bijection (option A <~> option B)

This is a self-contained puzzle that came up while formalizing some combinatorics.

Take an invertible function f : option A -> option B, its inverse f', and the assumptions formalizing that they’re inverses.

Problem: Construct a bijection between A and B.

Section PUZZLE.

Context {A B : Type}.
Context (f : option A -> option B).
Context (f' : option B -> option A).
Context (f'f : forall oa, f' (f oa) = oa).
Context (ff' : forall ob, f (f' ob) = ob).

Definition g : A -> B.

Definition g' : B -> A.

Lemma g'g : forall a, g' (g a) = a.

Lemma gg' : forall a, g (g' a) = a.


Defining some plausible candidates for g and g' isn’t too hard using dependent types, but I can’t seem to prove the lemmas. My attempt is below.

Is it provable? Would it work better with different definitions?

(* What I have so far. *)
Section PUZZLE.

Context {A B : Type}.
Context (f : option A -> option B).
Context (f' : option B -> option A).
Context (f'f : forall a, f' (f a) = a).
Context (a : A).

(* The two directions are symmetric, so we will define one and close the section to generalize it and get the other way for free. *)

Section CONTRA.

Context (fSome : f' None = Some a).
Context (fNone : f' None = None).

Definition swap_contra : False :=
  match fSome in eq _ r return (r = None -> False) -> False with
  | eq_refl => fun k => k fNone
  end (fun fNone' =>
    match fNone' in eq _ r return
      match r with
      | None => _
      | Some _ => True
    | eq_refl => I


Definition swap : B :=
  match f (Some a) as x return f' x = Some a -> B with
  | Some b => fun _ => b
  | None => fun fSome =>
    match f None as x return f' x = None -> B with
    | Some b => fun _ => b
    | None => fun fNone => match swap_contra fSome fNone with end
    end (f'f None)
  end (f'f (Some a)).


Lemma inv_swap :
  forall A B (f : option A -> option B) (f' : option B -> option A)
    (f'f : forall a, f' (f a) = a)
    (ff' : forall b, f (f' b) = b)
    (a : A),
    swap f' f ff' (swap f f' f'f a) = a.
  intros. unfold swap at 1.
  (* Here I would like to destruct but it's not allowed, for dependently typed reasons. *)

I would do it as follows:

  1. if f None = None then the result follows because f itself induces a bijection A -> B.
  2. In general, prove that for any x : option A there is a bijection h : option A -> option B such that h x = None (for example, the function that is the identity everywhere, except that it swaps x and None).
  3. Take h as in 2) so that h (f None) = None, then hf None = None and by 1) it follows that it induces the desired bijection.


(sorry if perhaps your question is more subtle – I don’t yet understand dependent types very well) :slight_smile:

Very nice puzzle! :slight_smile: You can solve it by making the definition slightly less dependent:

Section PUZZLE.

Context {A B : Type}.
Context (f : option A -> option B).
Context (f' : option B -> option A).
Context (f'f : forall a, f' (f a) = a).
Context (a : A).

(* The two directions are symmetric, so we will define one and close the section to generalize it and get the other way for free. *)

Section CONTRA2.

Context (fSome : f (Some a) = None).
Context (fNone : f None = None).

Definition swap_contra2 : False.
Proof. congruence. Qed.


Definition option_cases (X : Type) (o : option X) :
  { x | o = Some x } + { o = None }.
Proof. destruct o eqn:E; eauto. Defined.

Definition swap : B.
  destruct (option_cases _ (f (Some a))) as [ (x&Ho1) | Ho1].
  - apply x.
  - destruct (option_cases _ (f None)) as [ (y&Ho2) | Ho2].
    + apply y.
    + exfalso. eapply swap_contra2; eauto. 


(* The rest is easy *)
Lemma inv_swap :
  forall A B (f : option A -> option B) (f' : option B -> option A)
    (f'f : forall a, f' (f a) = a)
    (ff' : forall b, f (f' b) = b)
    (a : A),
    swap f' f ff' (swap f f' f'f a) = a.
  intros. unfold swap at 1.
  destruct (option_cases A (f' (Some (swap f f' f'f a)))) as [ (x&Ho1) | Ho1].
  - unfold swap in Ho1.
    destruct (option_cases B (f (Some a))) as [ (y&Ho2) | Ho2].
    + congruence.
    + destruct (option_cases B (f None)) as [ (z&Ho3) | Ho3].
      * congruence.
      * congruence.
  - destruct (option_cases A (f' None)) as [(y&Ho2) | Ho2].
    + unfold swap in Ho1.
      destruct (option_cases B (f (Some a))) as [(z&Ho3) | Ho3].
      * congruence.
      * congruence.
    + congruence.

Nice solution! Thanks!

@nojb This step is the nontrivial one:

  1. f None = None then the result follows because f itself induces a bijection A -> B.

The difficulty is to express the bijection A -> B as a Coq function. We can apply f to get an option B but we can’t get the B out easily. That requires dependent types, which also make proofs difficult because they prevent destruct from working.

A different encoding of functions might make it easier to reason about functions as graphs (e.g., using A -> B -> Prop), but it’s also less direct.

I would like to stress that point. Defining the bijection as a Coq function is not that difficult; just write it (almost) as if you were writing it in another functional language. (See below.) The actual difficulty lies in dependent pattern-matching (which, as you point out, impedes tactic like destruct). That is why @mwuttke97’s use of option_cases is critical. It removes any occurrence of dependent pattern-matching from the definition. That trick needs to be publicized more often, as it is a systematic way of solving this kind of issue.

Lemma f_Some_None x : f None = None -> f (Some x) = None -> B.
Proof. congruence. Qed.

Definition g (x : A) :=
  match f (Some x) as o return _ = o -> B with
  | Some y => fun _ => y
  | None =>
    match f None with
    | Some y => fun _ _ => y
    | None => f_Some_None x
    end eq_refl
  end eq_refl.

Thinking back about I wrote, it might seem like I am saying that it is impossible to prove the version with dependent pattern-matching or that tactics like destruct cannot be used in such a proof. So, to clear any potential misconception, here is the corresponding proof.

Lemma gg' x : g (g' x) = x.
unfold g'.
generalize (f'_Some_None x) (ff' (Some x)).
destruct (f' (Some x)) as [x'|] ; intros K H'.
- unfold g.
  generalize (f_Some_None x').
  now rewrite H'.
- generalize (ff' None).
  destruct (f' None) as [x'|] ; intros H.
  + unfold g.
    generalize (f_Some_None x').
    now rewrite H, H'.
  + contradict H'.
    now rewrite H.
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