I am really, really confused by the difference between the normal apply tactic and the ssreflect apply: tactic.
Here’s a script, the beginning of a toy formalization of Go/Weiqi/Baduk rules. In the last proof, in the intermediate sub-lemma H2, if I replace apply
with apply:
, I get an error. Why?
(* Support ssreflect tactic language and finitary modules. *)
Set Warnings "-notation-overridden".
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
Set Warnings "+notation-overridden".
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
(* Support unicode symbols. *)
Require Import Utf8.
(* Support for classical logic. *)
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import ClassicalEpsilon.
Require Import PropExtensionality.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions.
Require Import Coq.Classes.SetoidClass.
Section Board.
Local Parameter N : nat.
Definition in_bounds (p: nat * nat): Prop := fst p < N ∧ snd p < N.
Definition point : Set := { p: nat * nat & in_bounds p }.
Definition ex_in_bounds := @existT (nat * nat) in_bounds.
Definition horizontal (p: point): nat :=
let: existT (i, _) _ := p in i.
Definition vertical (p: point): nat :=
let: existT (_, j) _ := p in j.
Definition same_horizontal (p1 p2: point): Prop :=
horizontal p1 = horizontal p2.
Definition same_vertical (p1 p2: point): Prop :=
vertical p1 = vertical p2.
(** The ssreflect rewrite and congr tactics have trouble with this pattern.
I have already run into this in my toy group theory module.
That's why I use subst here. *)
Proposition point_extensionality (p1 p2: point):
same_horizontal p1 p2 → same_vertical p1 p2 → p1 = p2.
case: p1 => x1 ?. case: p2 => x2 ?.
rewrite /same_horizontal /same_vertical /horizontal /vertical => H V.
have ?: x1 = x2 by apply (injective_projections x1 x2 H V).
by subst; congr existT; apply proof_irrelevance.
Definition just_left (p1 p2: point): Prop :=
same_vertical p1 p2 ∧
horizontal p2 + 1 = horizontal p1.
Definition just_right (p1 p2: point): Prop :=
same_vertical p1 p2 ∧
horizontal p1 + 1 = horizontal p2.
Definition just_up (p1 p2: point): Prop :=
same_horizontal p1 p2 ∧
vertical p1 + 1 = vertical p2.
Definition just_down (p1 p2: point): Prop :=
same_horizontal p1 p2 ∧
vertical p2 + 1 = vertical p1.
Fact same_horizontal_sym (p1 p2: point) :
same_horizontal p1 p2 ↔ same_horizontal p2 p1.
by auto.
Fact same_vertical_sym (p1 p2: point) :
same_vertical p1 p2 ↔ same_vertical p2 p1.
by auto.
Fact just_left_just_right_sym (p1 p2: point) :
just_left p1 p2 ↔ just_right p2 p1.
by rewrite /just_right /just_left same_vertical_sym.
Fact just_up_just_down_sym (p1 p2: point) :
just_up p1 p2 ↔ just_down p2 p1.
by rewrite /just_down /just_up same_horizontal_sym.
Inductive adjacent (p1 p2: point): Prop :=
| Aup : just_up p1 p2 → adjacent p1 p2
| Adown : just_down p1 p2 → adjacent p1 p2
| Aright : just_right p1 p2 → adjacent p1 p2
| Aleft : just_left p1 p2 → adjacent p1 p2
Lemma half_adjacent_sym (p1 p2: point) :
adjacent p1 p2 → adjacent p2 p1.
- by rewrite just_up_just_down_sym; apply Adown.
- by rewrite -just_up_just_down_sym; apply Aup.
- by rewrite -just_left_just_right_sym; apply Aleft.
- by rewrite just_left_just_right_sym; apply Aright.
Corollary adjacent_sym (p1 p2: point) :
adjacent p1 p2 ↔ adjacent p2 p1.
by split; apply half_adjacent_sym.
Inductive color := Black | White.
Inductive point_state :=
| Occupied of color
| Empty
Fact ps_case ps:
ps = Empty ∨ ps = Occupied White ∨ ps = Occupied Black.
case: ps => [color_case|]; first case: color_case; auto.
Definition board: Set := point → point_state.
Implicit Type b: board.
Implicit Type ps: point_state.
Inductive connected b ps (p q: point) : Prop :=
| Cid : p = q → b p = ps → connected b ps p q
| Cadj p':
connected b ps p p' →
b q = ps →
adjacent p' q →
connected b ps p q
Lemma connected_same_state b ps (p q: point):
connected b ps p q → b p = ps ∧ b q = ps.
elim => [> ? base|> _ step_p_state step_q_state].
- by split; last (rewrite -base; congr b).
- by split; [ apply step_p_state | apply step_q_state ].
Lemma connected_refl b ps (p: point):
b p = ps → connected b ps p p.
by apply Cid.
Lemma connected_trans b ps (p q r: point):
connected b ps p q → connected b ps q r → connected b ps p r.
move => connected_p_q. elim => [> base|? ? ? step_connected];
by [rewrite base in connected_p_q | apply: Cadj step_connected].
Lemma connected_sym b ps (p q: point):
connected b ps p q → connected b ps q p.
elim =>
[ > base_id
| p2 p'
- by rewrite -base_id; apply: connected_refl.
- have {step_adjacent}
H1: adjacent p2 p'
by apply: half_adjacent_sym step_adjacent.
have {step_connected_fw}
H2: b p' = ps
by apply (connected_same_state step_connected_fw).
have {step_p_state}
H3: connected b ps p2 p2
by apply: connected_refl step_p_state.
have {H3 H2 H1}
H4: connected b ps p2 p'
by apply: Cadj H3 H2 H1.
by apply: connected_trans H4 step_connected_bw.