Coq QuickChick : Making propery Checkable, Decidable, Arbitrary (Gen)


I am trying to test simple conjecture with QuickChick:

Conjecture lists_eq : forall (l : list string), l = l. 

QuickChick lists_eq.

but I get this error:

Unable to satisfy the following constraints: ?arg_2 : “Checkable (forall l : list string, l = l)”

I know I need to make my property Instance of class Checkable, but how should I do it?

I made decidability on two lists (successfully) Instance EqLists_Dec (x y : list string) : Dec (x = y).

I made Arbitrary for list (successfully) Instance gen_list_string : Gen (list string)

But I couldn’t make Property checkable, I know that bool type is Checkable in QC.

Here is the code, plese advice. Maybe I am doing it all in a wrong way.

From QuickChick Require Import QuickChick.
Require Import List ZArith. Import ListNotations.
Import QcNotation.
Set Warnings "-extraction-opaque-accessed,-extraction".
Require Import String. Local Open Scope string. 

Definition genListString : G (list string) :=
  elems_ ["Two" ; "Three"]
           [ "One" ; "Nstasss" ; "SomeStr" ; "Yellow" ];
           [ "111" ; "2222" ; "33333SomeStr" ; "44444Yellow" ]

(* Sample genListString.  *)

Instance gen_list_string : Gen (list string) :=
    arbitrary := genListString

Notation "P '?'" :=
  (match (@dec P _) with
   | left _ => true
   | right _ => false
    (at level 100).

Instance EqLists_Dec (x y : list string) : Dec (x = y).
Proof. dec_eq. Defined.

(* Problem in this function, couldn't make it work*)
Instance checkableDec `{P : Prop} `{Dec P} : Checkable P :=
    checker p := if P? then ret ok else ret Failure

Conjecture lists_eq : forall (l : list string), l = l. 

QuickChick lists_eq.

Unable to satisfy the following constraints:
?arg_2 : "Checkable (forall l : list string, l = l)"

I also asked same question on StackOverflow :

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Which version of Coq and QuickChick are you using? checkableDec does not compile on my machine with Coq 8.13.2 and QuickChick e643a997:

Unable to satisfy the following constraints:
In environment:
P : Prop
H : Dec P
p : P

?Monad : "Monad ?m"
[] [P H p] |- ?m (Checker.Result -> option bool) <= G QProp
[] [P H p] |- ?m0 (nat -> nat -> nat -> RandomSeed -> nat -> string -> list (string * nat) -> string -> Result) <= G QProp

Issues with QuickChick are more frequently monitored on GitHub.

Thank you for the link to GitHub with QuickChick issues and thank you for the hint about version of Coq. Indeed I face one and the same error all the time, will have to update Coq and see if it works.
Thank you very much!