Force application of fixpoint to its argument

Hi everyone,
I know a lot of stackoverflow questions are close to this one, but I could not get any proposed solution to work. If one turned out to actually work, I’m sorry for the potential duplicate.

When I define a fixpoint function my_function that does not directly pattern match on its argument a, I cannot unfold it and explicitly see the body of the function in my hypothesis.

Here is a minimal example :

Fixpoint my_function (a: nat) :=
  if PeanoNat.Nat.eqb a 42 then true
    match a with
    | S a' => my_function a'
    | 0 => false end.

Lemma my_lemma:
  forall x, my_function x = true -> x >= 42.
  intros. unfold my_function in H.
at this point, I have:

  x : nat
  H : (fix my_function (a : nat) : bool :=
         if PeanoNat.Nat.eqb a 42 then true else match a with
                                                 | 0 => false
                                                 | S a' => my_function a'
                                                 end) x = true
  x >= 42

After the unfold, my function is not applied to its argument and stays in a strange unapplied form. I would like to have H transformed into:

H : if PeanoNat.Nat.eqb x 42 then true else match x with
                                                 | 0 => false
                                                 | S a' => my_function a'
                                                 end = true

I don’t want to do this because I not able to prove the result in this case. This is a simplified minimal example of my situation. I know that destructing the argument makes Coq apply the function, but in my real case I cannot afford to do the destruct (2 arguments with ~60 constructors). I would like to be able to deal with the if then else cases that are before the pattern matching first, and then destruct the arguments. I can give more details to explain why I would like to do this specific rewrite rather than destructing.

Thank you for your help !

PS: I can easily prove a dummy lemma that says that an application of my function is equal to the body, and use it to rewrite. It seems like an ugly solution.

Lemma my_function_body:
  forall a, my_function a =
       if PeanoNat.Nat.eqb a 42 then true
         match a with
         | S a' => my_function a'
         | 0 => false end.
  intros. unfold my_function. 
  destruct a; reflexivity.

There’s no other AFAIK

Do you know if there is some way (like ltac magic) to generate this lemma and its proof directly, rather than copy paste the body ?

I stumbled upon this coq-tricks/DefEquality.v at master · tchajed/coq-tricks · GitHub which might be linked, but couldn’t get it to work for my case either…

If you define your function with the Equations plugin instead of Fixpoint you get the unfolding equations generated for free.

I would also say that generating the unfolding lemma should be an easy exercise in a meta-programmin/plugin framework like MetaCoq or Coq-Elpi, but as far as I’m aware such a plugin doesn’t exist yet.

No need for a plugin — it’s very easy to generate the equation with plain Ltac:

Fixpoint my_function (a: nat) :=
  if Nat.eqb a 42 then true
    match a with
    | S a' => my_function a'
    | 0 => false end.

Definition unfolder : { f & forall x, my_function x = f x }.
  eexists ?[f].
  [f]: intros x; destruct x.
  destruct x; reflexivity.

Definition unfolding_lemma := Eval simpl in projT2 unfolder.

For a slightly cleaner unfolding, use intros x; case x; unfold my_function at 1; fold my_function instead of destruct x on the last line.

About unfolding_lemma.
unfolding_lemma : forall x : nat,
  my_function x = match x with
                  | 0 => false
                  | S x0 => if Nat.eqb x0 41 then true else my_function x0

Note that the solution above pushes the if under the match. If you don’t want this, you can use Ltac 2; it’s a bit more complicated, but still manageable:

Fixpoint my_function (a: nat) :=
  if Nat.eqb a 42 then true
    match a with
    | S a' => my_function a'
    | 0 => false end.

From Ltac2 Require Import Ltac2 Constr.

Ltac2 reveal_fixpoint fn :=
  match Unsafe.kind fn with
  | Unsafe.Constant cst _ =>
    Std.eval_unfold [(Std.ConstRef cst, Std.AllOccurrences)] fn
  | _ => Control.throw Not_found

Ltac2 unfold_fixpoint_once fn :=
  let fixpoint := reveal_fixpoint fn in
  match Unsafe.kind fixpoint with
  | Unsafe.Fix _ _ binders bodies =>
    let binder := Array.get binders 0 in
    let unbound_body := Array.get bodies 0 in
    let body := Unsafe.substnl [fn] 0 unbound_body in
    match Unsafe.check body with
    | Val b => b
    | Err error => Control.throw error
  | _ => Control.throw Not_found

Notation beta x :=
  ltac:(let x := (eval cbv beta in x) in exact x) (only parsing).

Lemma my_function_eqn : forall x: nat,
    my_function x =
    beta(ltac2:(let fn := unfold_fixpoint_once constr:(my_function) in exact $fn) x).
Proof. intros; destruct x; reflexivity. Qed.

About my_function_eqn.
my_function_eqn :
  forall x : nat, my_function x =
           (if Nat.eqb x 42 then true
            else match x with
                 | 0 => false
                 | S a' => my_function a'

Thanks! That was exactly the kind of ltac2 black magic I was hoping someone would master. It works like a charm even in my more complex case (with 4 arguments to the function), but it has a strange side effect:
all my other previously defined ltac tactics are now Unbound. Is that some conflict between Ltac and Ltac2 that you might know of ? Should I build a minimal example ?

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Importing Ltac2 changes the default tactic language to Ltac2, so you need to wrap everything in ltac1:(…). The simplest solution to avoid that is to Import Ltac2 in a module, and expose just one notation (I usually just make a separate file):

From Ltac2 Require Ltac2.

Module Ltac2Magic.
  Import Ltac2 Constr.

  Ltac2 reveal_fixpoint fn :=
    match Unsafe.kind fn with
    | Unsafe.Constant cst _ =>
      Std.eval_unfold [(Std.ConstRef cst, Std.AllOccurrences)] fn
    | _ => Control.throw Not_found

  Ltac2 unfold_fixpoint_once fn :=
    let fixpoint := reveal_fixpoint fn in
    match Unsafe.kind fixpoint with
    | Unsafe.Fix _ _ binders bodies =>
      let binder := Array.get binders 0 in
      let unbound_body := Array.get bodies 0 in
      let body := Unsafe.substnl [fn] 0 unbound_body in
      match Unsafe.check body with
      | Val b => b
      | Err error => Control.throw error
    | _ => Control.throw Not_found

  Notation unfold_fixpoint_once fn :=
    ltac2:(let fn := Constr.pretype fn in
           let fn := unfold_fixpoint_once fn in exact $fn) (only parsing).
End Ltac2Magic.

Notation beta x :=
  ltac:(let x := (eval cbv beta in x) in exact x) (only parsing).

Fixpoint my_function (a: nat) :=
  if Nat.eqb a 42 then true
    match a with
    | S a' => my_function a'
    | 0 => false end.

Lemma my_function_eqn : forall x: nat,
    my_function x =
    beta((Ltac2Magic.unfold_fixpoint_once my_function) x).
Proof. intros; destruct x; reflexivity. Qed.

I used the qualified name Ltac2Magic.unfold_fixpoint_once here, but you can also Import Ltac2Magic: that won’t break things because I Import-ed Ltac2 in the module, but I didn’t Export it.

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Works perfectly ! Thank you very much !

I tried this version also, but the computation of the unfolding lemma does not go through in a reasonable time (still no result after 5 minutes). Is there a solution ?
My try looks like this:

Definition unfolder : { f & forall t1 t2 a b, my_more_complex_function t1 t2 a b = f t1 t2 a b }.
  eexists ?[f].
  [f]: intros t1; destruct t1.
  intros t1; case t1; unfold my_more_complex_function at 1; fold my_more_complex_function; reflexivity.

Where t1, t2, a, b are elements of an inductive type with ~ 60 constructors

the computation of the unfolding lemma does not go through in a reasonable time (still no result after 5 minutes). Is there a solution ?

The Eval simpl part, right? Try this then (simpl can be extremely slow):

Definition unfolding_lemma :=
  Eval cbv [projT2 unfolder] in projT2 unfolder.

Or use Derive, though you’ll have to unfold my_function' after rewriting with the generated lemma:

Require Import Coq.derive.Derive.

Derive my_function' SuchThat (forall x, my_function x = my_function' x) As unfolding_lemma'.
  subst my_function'.
  instantiate (1 := ltac:(intros x; destruct x)).
  intros x; case x; unfold my_function at 1; fold my_function; reflexivity.

You can recover the pre-unfolded lemm this way:

Definition unfolding_lemma :
  forall x, my_function x =
       ltac:(let y := eval unfold my_function' in (my_function' x) in exact y) :=

Or like this, which is a gross hack (and it requires Defined instead of Qed above):

Definition unfolding_lemma :=
  Eval unfold unfolding_lemma' in unfolding_lemma'.

(But I still expect that you’ll prefer the Ltac2 version, because the Ltac version above flips the if and the match)